Altar Servers - Any child or teen who has received First Holy Communion is eligible to be an altar server. Training sessions are offered on a regular basis. Check with the church office for details. Altar Servers must continue to attend Faith Formation classes in order to serve at the Altar.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - In this important ministry certain members of our parish family make it possible for the sharing of the Lord's Supper to be experienced in an efficient, yet dignified and reverent manner. A person in this ministry is a server of the Pashcal Meal. Therefore, he/she should be a Catholic in good standing with the Church who regularly participates in the practice of the Catholic faith.
Readers - The ministry of Reader is that vital part of the Mass that makes God present to the people in the Liturgy of the Word. The Reader is responsible for communicating the Living Word, Jesus Christ, to the community gathered in worship.
Presentation of the Gifts - Members of the assembly bring the bread and wine, along with the monetary gifts, to the priest during the Mass. At that time they receive a special blessing for themselves and their families.
Ushers - The Ministry of Ushers is designed to provide assistance to those attending the celebration of the Mass. Membership is open to registered members of our parish who have fulfilled training and background requirements. Please call the office for more information.