In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. My brothers and sisters, we repeat this invocation many times each day. We started our Mass with it, and with it we’ll receive the final blessing. Do we say it consciously? Today is the great feast of the Most Blessed Trinity.
We will never be able to understand the mystery of the Trinity in this life, but let us at least realize that God is the source of our life. They say that one day Saint Augustine was looking for ways to understand the mystery of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit: three separate persons in one true God? At the moment he saw a little boy on the beach who was trying to empty all the water of the sea into a hole he dug in the sand. He understood at that moment that just as it was impossible to make something so great fit into such a small space, it was likewise impossible for our weak human mind to contain the greatness of God.
The Sacrament of Baptism
The Sacrament of Baptism made us into temples of the Most Blessed Trinity. “In God we live and move and have our being”, St Paul would say; He lives in us and is more our own than we are ourselves. He completely surrounds us, we live in him and for him and, because of his greatness, we are unable to perceive him.
To understand this mystery let me tell you the fable of the inexperienced little fish who was desperately looking for the ocean. One day he asked one of the older fish: Can you tell me where the ocean is? I’ve heard talk about it, but I can’t find it. The older fish said, “The ocean is here where we are. It’s where we live, it is the greatness of this water that gives us life and protection. We are immersed in it and cannot leave it without dying.
A Reminder from Pope Benedict
Pope Benedict reminds us that “for the per-son of faith the whole universe speaks of God who is one and three. From the space between the stars to the microscopic particles.”
And when St Teresa of the Andes used to contemplate the southern seas, she would exclaim: “When I think of how I need to detach myself from all things, I tell the Lord that I find everything beautiful and great in Him. Nature brings us to God! And I love these oceans and mountains so much! In God, all the lakes, all the valleys, all the countryside is mine! What can anyone look for that is not found in Jesus?”
God loves us and wants to be loved
The believer speaks with God, falls at his feet and adores him. My dear brothers and sisters, let us live for God and let nothing deprive us of the divine life of sanctifying grace. God loves us and wants to be loved. Only sin can kill God’s love.
And now let the most perfect words of praise rise from our hearts: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen!